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Why we do what we do

In October 2015 our lives changed forever.


Our son, Samson (then 3) was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.


We died that day.


But then, when we thought we could not recover, we worked hard to immerse ourselves in the global community, gaining hope from each other and our friends and family and from our children that Duchenne should not stop us making the most of the gift of life we have.


It’s funny how people always want to help and give hope.


Duchenne has not made Samson less loveable, caring, kind, funny and bright. It has not stopped him joining in with our kitchen discos, or playing with and making friends for life. It has made us appreciate everything we have and hold so much hope for the future.


We need the global community to take on the challenge of finding a treatment for youngsters like Samson, to give them the chance of a long life.


With the help and support of the charity Action Duchenne, we have equipped ourselves with the information and knowledge to help us make our son's life as amazing as possible. 


We hope to see our boy grow into a man who will change the world in his own way.



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